Teenage girl siiting against brick wall in a depressed state

If you can control your mood, you can control your life. A person who is free from depression more often than not has the energy and enthusiasm to identify and realize his/her hopes and dreams. Managing the chemistry of depression is the first order of business.

I routinely refer clients for a physical evaluation with an MD to rule out any organic, physical problems which might present as depression. Certain illnesses such as Diabetes, Hypertension, benign brain tumors, hormone imbalances…

Vastly more people are depressed than are manic.

PDT believes in an aggressively, multi-disciplinary approach to treatment of depression.

You cannot realize or even identify your dreams if you are depressed.

The multi-disciplinary approach includes medication management, fitness, nutrition, social and community support, as well as work and recreation that feels meaningful to the client.

Once organic illnesses have been ruled out, the true work of PDT can begin.

PDT is cognitive/behavioral in that it incorporate physical fitness as part of the toolkit of treating depression. We will often establish a regular routine of physical activity. In such cases, I often refer clients to personal trainers. If possible, I encourage my clients to have a membership at a local gym.

Nutrition management is another major element of the PDT approach toward treating Depression. “You are what you eat.” PDT sees nutritional deficiencies as a possible contributing factor to depression. Therefore, we will work on a well-rounded food plan. When indicated, I will refer clients to nutritionists and dieticians.

PDT sees humans as social animals. A lack of close relationships is often a contributing factor to depression. One of our goals is to connect clients to appropriate communities that are congruent with their interests and values. We work on developing healthier, close personal relationships.

People who are free from depression usually have activities in their lives that they are passionate about. It is therefore a goal of PDT to help clients identify their interests and underlying values. This leads to work and hobbies that are more satisfying and that feel more meaningful.